- California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance and litigation.
- General Plan, Specific Plan, and Development Permit processes.
- Subdivision Map Act compliance and litigation.
- Permit Streamlining Act compliance and litigation.
- Counseling and advocacy in urban housing, redevelopment, transportation, and economic development matters.
- Federal and state court litigation in matters involving the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Clean Air Act, Forest Practices Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, California Planning & Zoning Law, Subdivision Map Act, among other laws.
- Administrative hearings before federal, state, and local agencies, including California Air Districts, the State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Boards, the California Energy Commission, the California Coastal Commission, and various City Councils and Planning Commissions.
- Preparing, in conjunction with technical experts, scientifically rigorous studies of the economic, environmental, traffic, and/or other impacts of proposed developments, policies, or planning efforts, for presentation to government agencies and the courts.
- Strategic participation in complex, multi-party negotiations involving federal, state, and local land use planning disputes.
- Counseling and litigation in matters involving state and local ballot iniatives and referendums.
- Local legislative drafting, analysis, and advocacy in land use, housing, economic development, and zoning matters.
- Drafting and defending ballot measure text and supporting/opposing arguments.
- Challenging misleading ballot arguments, improper campaign disclosure requirements, and invalid signature-gathering tactics.
- MRWA represents clients in a wide variety of general civil law matters ranging from property matters, to civil rights litigation, to non-profit corporate formation.
Please inquire. If we cannot assist you with a particular matter, we can refer you to someone who can.
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